What is our Youth Fellowship like?

Thanks to the youth Sunday school, I have come to know God more deeply, gaining wisdom and knowledge. This has enabled me to overcome life’s challenges and conquer my fears. No matter how difficult life may get, I trust that God will always be there for us.
— Sunshine

From the Youth Leaders

“Our kind of Youth Fellowship is all about growing one's relationship with the Lord, building each other up, knowing each other better, and carry one's burden through prayer.”

“Enjoy my youth by serving God.”

“Trust in the Lord and not on myself.”

“God gives me wisdom & strength to do His will.”

What We Do

  • Testimony

  • Praise & worship

  • Listening to the Word

  • Watching Video on spiritual topic

  • Deepening, memorizing verse

  • Praying to one another

  • Bible games

  • Simple dinner on plate

Youth Leaders Speak from the Heart

"Through the Youth Sunday Fellowship, I have gained a deep understanding of the importance and practical applications of God's scriptures, leading to significant spiritual growth. My fear of speaking in front of others has vanished, and I now feel more confident sharing my appreciation for God and the wonders He has worked in my life. Additionally, I have learned the importance of truly trusting in God, as with Him, all things are possible. This fellowship has also allowed me to engage with fellow youths who share the same learning experiences, helping us build closer relationships centered on God and His teachings."
- Loisa

“Due to my participation in the Youth Sunday Fellowship, my faith in Christianity has grown significantly. Initially, I was a shy individual who feared speaking in front of others, especially when it came to giving testimonies or sharing words of appreciation toward God. However, over time, I have overcome that fear and have learned to speak with confidence, knowing that God is with me. The fellowship has helped me know God more deeply and understand His goodness to us and others. I have realized that we can't do anything on our own; with His guidance and the support of people willing to help through God's strength, nothing is impossible. All of this is because of Him.”
- Ashley

"Participating in the youth fellowship every Sunday has significantly improved my leadership skills, especially in guiding the youth through games and active participation. Initially, I was shy and unsure how to open up, but the strong bonds formed within the group have helped me become more engaged and boosted my confidence. Additionally, my knowledge and understanding of the Word of God have deepened, strengthening my faith and trust in Him. The lessons learned during fellowship have also taught me the importance of cooperation in all aspects of life, with God's help."
- Apple


From the Staff leaders

“We start our youth fellowship with an opening song to create a warm and welcome environment ready to feel the presence of God through it. After then, there is a sharing period during which youths from each year level give thanks to God, recognize the benefits in their lives, and show appreciation for the people and things for which they are thankful.

Following this period of appreciation comes a praise and worship session in which the group sings and prays as a unit, raising everyone's spirits and engaging their souls via the music. After that, Ma'am Alith gives a sermon in which she gives the young people spiritual advice and perceptive commentary.

Following the sermon, we have a prayer request session in which we stand in a circle and pray for different needs and issues. This entails offering prayers for the Badjao Bridge, a community project, as well as for our parents, our studies, and any other particular needs. Engaging games that promote camaraderie, closer relationships and spiritual growth among the youth provides fun and enjoyment but also reinforces the bonds withinin theirselves and their growth to God.”

- Principal Ma’am Alith on Youth Fellowship

What are they learning?
The students recently learned about the Bible characters, their story struggle, challenges and how they survive the difficult situation like that of Job, Jonah and Samson.

They learned new memory verse, they learned to depend on God for their needs, they learned that prayer works, they learned the problems of other youth and pray together. They learned new things about God.
— Principal Ma’am Alith